I Love MaimeriBlu Watercolor Paint!
The colors are brilliant. They are extremely colorfast (they don't fade over time on me.) They are excellent for adding to your palette and letting them set up and dry before using. They liquify easily when swiped across the top of the well with a wet brush. The texture and smoothness of the paint is excellent. It is a superior artist quality watercolor paint made in Italy.
Shown in the photo are the colors I suggest using in my painting classes.
A bonus tip for today ... just paint!
Thank you for sharing Rita. I've learned something again from you. Maybe some day I will give it a try. I wonder where do you buy them? Does Blick or Cheap Joe's carry this paint?
Cheap Joe's carries MaimeriBlu Watercolors and I believe they are on sale right now. I buy mine from them.
I have heard of this paint before, but never tried it. Thanks for letting us know where you get them!
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