by Michael Squier
Original Watercolor with Pen and Ink
Size: 11 x 15 inch
I have been teaching watercolor painting classes for a number of years now. After a few years of teaching, my husband started taking my classes. He enjoys sketching old barns in india ink and coloring them with watercolors.
We do a lot of traveling to and from the Adirondacks. One day instead of taking the thruway, we decided to set our GPS to shortest route to see where the roads would take us. Instead of a 3 hour drive, I think it took us 7 hours. Joining us on this adventure in the backseat of our convertible were our dog and cat. They too, thankfully, enjoyed the ride. We travelled through rural upstate New York. It is beautiful farm country. I took tons of photos of beautiful scenery, mainly farms. It is amazing the sites you miss by traveling the highways. Upstate New York is filled with tons of farms. Many of which have seen better days, including the one shown here in this watercolor painting. Seeing the sites of these farms, makes one think. You really should support your local farmers by purchasing locally grown produce and products they offer from honey, to syrup, to wool and more.
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