Baby Magnolia - Painted on April 21, 2010
Seawater Droplet - Painted on April 22, 2010
Painted by Artist Rita Squier
Original Watercolor Paintings
Size: 2.5 x 3.5 inches
Three more little paintings to add to my Painting A Day Challenge. I've done these plus a few paintings for my Wednesday night watercolor class ... hmmm perhaps I will post some of my class paintings as well sometimes soon.
I really enjoy reading your blog and your "1 Painting A Day" initiative. It's very inspiring and makes me want to pick up the brush again after a long hiatus.
I'm so glad you enjoy my blog. I hope you have managed to pick up a brush and give it a go again. I love to inspire people to paint, so pick up those brushes and have fun painting something, anything, just paint! :)
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