A fun technique to incorporate into a painting is the wax resist method. It can be used to create texture in any kind of painting. In this abstract painting I used it to create texture and additional interest.
Use either a piece of a white candle or even a white crayon. On a clean dry piece of watercolor paper, rub the side of the candle to create wide gritty areas to represent the texture of rock or sand on cold pressed or rough watercolor paper. The wax will sit at the top of the texture in the cold pressed and rough paper. Hot pressed paper is smooth, so the wax will cover the paper more smoothly in the rubbed areas. Use the end to create swirly marks, hash marks or any kind of line. Where ever you place the candle marks, those areas will remain white after painting over the top in watercolor. The wax cannot be removed once you have applied it to the paper. After you have made your marks, then paint your painting and you will notice how the water and paint resist the wax covered areas and remain white.
Do a little exploring, have fun using the wax resist method in an abstract watercolor painting.
Sampler by Rita Squier
Original Watercolor Mixed Media Painting
Size: 11 x 15 inches
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