A week ago today, my computer screen went black. Ugh! As an artist and graphic designer, that's definitely not a good thing. I am still painting everyday, I am just unable to photograph and upload my Painting A Day Challenge to my website or Etsy shop. I am unable to do any graphic design work.
Luckily, the last week of August through Labor Day is normally a very slow time work wise. Everyone is on vacation, tending to kids getting back to school.
I am using a borrowed laptop. I can take screen shots of stuff. :) Yesterday, I shared an Etsy Treasury I created via screen shot. Today, I'm sharing my website via screen shot.
Have you seen my website? http://rasquier.com
You can view my Painting A Day Challenger there by month. The little thumbnail images are all clickable links to the paintings for sale. Mouse over the thumbnail to see it larger, click to view the painting for sale. The ones that have sold have little red dots under them. The little green dots notate paintings that I don't want to part with ... they're mine! :) Some of the older thumbnails take you to my absolute favorite web page I designed. It still makes me laugh. You'll have to let me know if you found it and if you think it's funny too.
Hopefully I will be back in business and up and running next week. Time for pen and paper to dream up new business ideas!
Enjoy the holiday weekend!
Gee, sounds like an excuse not to paint everyday and not show your fans to ME!! ;)
Jason Nuttall (jasontheartist)
LOL! Oh don't worry, next week I will bombard my blog, website and twitter with two weeks worth of paintings!
I don't WANNA say "overachiever, but..."
Workaholic? Yet still a poor, starving artist!
Hi Rita, once my laptop went blank and my son fixed it by running a thread back and force between monitor and the body of the computer. It helped. Hopefully your problem is goosing to be solved fast.
I went to your web site and it looks very fresh (all that dew drops:).. If you move your mouse from one picture to another quick and look at the left big paintings it changes the colors and the feeling I got is like a colorful rain. Cool! Couldn't stop playing :)
Have a good weekend Rita.
Irina, I am so happy you enjoy my website! Play away! --Rita :)
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